Click the link above to submit your interest in attending. / Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessus pour nous faire part de votre intérêt.
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce some of the positive enhancements that have been implemented under our new Free Employment Ontario programs and services. The primary focus of these enhancements is to improve the supports provided for both you and your employees, specifically in the context of retention. Employee retention is a critical aspect of building a successful and stable organization. High employee retention reduces costs as well as disruptions associated with employee turnover, it also promotes stability and productivity. Under the new model, we offer retention support for a duration of 12 months, provided that the employee is working over 20hrs / week.
Our free Employment Services can play a valuable role in supporting you with employee retention:
- Encourage regular feedback sessions to address concerns and celebrate successes
- Foster a sense of belonging
Employee Development:
- Offer assistance during the employee's onboarding process and/or when they are acquiring new skills or aspects of the job
Mentoring and Coaching:
- Provide mentorship and coaching services to support employees in achieving success
Conflict Resolution and Mediation:
- Address workplace conflicts and disputes, thereby improving employee relations and reducing turnover
Are you currently hiring or will be in the near future?
Employer Eligibility:
- Registered/operating your business in Ontario
- Not currently in lay offs
- Has 3rd Party Liability Coverage (business insurance) and;
- Has WSIB Coverage or Insurance Equivalent to WSIB
Benefits to using our free services:
- Share your job posting with our existing pool of job seekers and community partners
- Screen candidates on your behalf
- Schedule interview times
- Provide access to an office space to conduct your interviews
Recruitment Events: (single or multi-employer, in-person or virtual):
- Create marketing campaigns and post them on all of our social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube
- Create Eventbrite links including registration questions that are geared to meet the job description requirements
- Events can be hosted at either of our locations or yours
We also offer 2 other services to employers. Please click on the link below to read more:
Employment Ontario Programs
2 locations to better serve you
1355 Bank Street, Suite 703
Ottawa, Ontario K1H 8K7
Tel: 613.236.8244
301 Moodie Drive, Suite 203
Kanata, Ontario K2H 9C4
Tel: 613.688.0440